Trans Rights Activists

Trans Rights Activists

TRA (Trans Rights Activists, or sometimes Trans Radical Activist) is a term used by “Gender Critical” ideologues to refer to anyone who disagrees with them.

The term, like gender identity ideology, is intended to separate trans individuals from their rights and protections. Simultaneously calling every trans person a TRA and claiming that all TRAs are not trans, or in some way they are not “genuinely trans”.

It is intended to provide some plausible deniability to claim they don’t have any issues with genuine trans people, they oppose TRAs.

It is a common tactic of regressive movements to claim to be opposing a group of political activists, rather than the minority themselves. For example, antisemitic movements will claim to oppose “the Zionist agenda,” and anti-feminists will claim to oppose “feminazi extremists”.

Trans Rights Activist is intended to reference MRA (Mens Rights Activists), and despite many calling themselves Women's Rights Activists, this does not get shortened to WRA.

Less frequently, Trans Radical Activist is also used and is intended to draw equivalence to the term Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

  • Notice how despite fighting oppression, genocide, & denying trans is a mental illness, this TRA is celebrating the trangressive privileges acquired through disability status. Transgender activism is a wasteland of selfishness & entitlement.
  • Their definition of trans is the TRA crew not those who truly are I suspect.
  • Trying to find the trans TRA is like trying to find Waldo
  • It's the TRA movement, very domineering. I don't understand why people tip toe around it. The TRA doesn't represent the entire trans community.
  • Much like TRA's have ruined trans folk for normies, feminists have ruined how men interact with women.
  • Using euphemisms is a TRA tactic and they are very good at it.

    Sorry I don't play that game.

    Even the invention of the word "trans" to discribe somebody who is just confused about their sex.

    Its a semantics game that has been dominated by TRAs and progressives.
  • 'We don't hear very many trans voices'

    Are you kidding? The deafening TRA cacophony drowns out every other opinion.
  • TRA = Trans Radical Activist. Includes, amongst others those who yell profanities and bang drums trying to drown out women trying to speak.
    If there's no such thing as TRAs then there's no such thing as TERFs.
    KJK has far more of value to say than you do.